Royal Victoria Court's Installation

The Installation of Officers and the coronation of our Royal Matron  H.L. Carona Win was a colourful and grand occasion with a number of Orders in attendance .
We were pleased to welcome Theresa Waldron Deputy Grand Master of Manchester Unity IOOF in Victoria along with a number of members from Manchester Unity and it was lovely to have the young men from DeMolay Victoria Chapter
The Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria Right Illustrious Companion David Yole as well as Worthy Grand Patron Brother David Carlin Grand Chapter of Victoria Order of the Eastern Star
And the DeMolay members of the Victorian Chapter
It is occasions like an Open Installation that affords the opportunity to 'show case' the Order of the Amaranth.
For more information why not view the youtube presentation
Contact Marie Cameron  0414 507 893  or email [email protected] for further information