Proposed New Amaranth Court in the Korumburra District

An Invitation to Join a New Court and be part of an exciting adventure
Preparations for a New Amaranth Court in the Korumburra district is underway and this is wonderful news for the people of this beautiful heritage centre in Gippsland.
The Worshipful Master of the Outtrim Lodge, Wor. Bro. Alec Harris, and his wife Lyn are most enthusiastic to see a New Court opened in the near future and met with Marie and Ron Cameron, Â members of Royal Victoria Court, to help get them started on this exciting journey.
An invitation to the first general meeting is to be held at 2pm on Saturday the 5th June 2021 at the Korumburra Masonic Centre Bridge Street Korumburra  (opposite the Court House and Police Station)  and is open to those wishing to find out more about the Amaranth
The Order of the Amaranth is open to men and women eighteen years and over who hold the high ideals of truth, faith, wisdom and charity as principles to live by and are looking to be part of an organization committed to friendship and support.
For more information contact
Lyn or Alec Harris on    0412 102 262    E: [email protected]
Marie Cameron on   0414 507 893    E:  [email protected]
Pictured below is Lyn and Alec Harris with Marie Cameron