Re Launch of Endeavour Court

Some 25 years ago the New Court Committee for Endeavour Court met to decide on a name for the new Amaranth Court to be opened in Mornington and just by chance the replica of Captain James Cook’s Endeavour was sailing up Port Phillip Bay
A vote was taken and the name “Endeavour†was chosen for the Court. Now 25 years later we are if you like relaunching Endeavour Court.
So come on board ye hearties and help us continue our voyage of discovery. We’ve got new places to go to and a whole lot of new people to join us as we venture afar into and beyond the blue horizon.
Under to leadership of the Royal Matron – Captain Marie Cameron and Mate Ron Cameron we expect great things to happen. The crew is a bit light on at the moment but we’ve got plans in place to overcome that problem.
According to an old map we discovered amongst our paraphernalia we will be searching for treasure and enjoying a voyage like no other.
Among the golden coins we know we will find good friends, happiness and other good things. For those brave souls who would like to join us – contact Marie Cameron  0414 507 893   [email protected]